Tuesday, 8 October 2013

A Week in the Back Paddock_Final Coat

Wednesday, 9 October, 2013, 2pm.

Third and final coat finished. In some cases, particularly the portraits, a few coats more were needed.

“It's the Environment, Stupid”

“The Artist's Camp at Bimblebox”

“The Point”

“The Mechanics of Survival”

“The Great Divide”


“Paola's a Bit Long in the Face”

“Magellanic Mirage”


“The Camp Workshop”

“Ian Manages Diversity, Fertility, Productivity”

And an extra that I couldn’t resist, from a photo and half the size of the other paintings (he’s not an adult yet, after all) – 

“An Unauthorized Portrait of Karl”

Thanks to Paola, Ian and Karl and all the artists on the Bimblebox team. I can only hope that our artistic efforts contribute in some small way to the preservation of this rare and endangered woodland.

Images updated 19/10/2013. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying not to think of how many I'd like to own.
