Friday, 27 September 2013

A Week in the Back Paddock - First Coat

Friday, 27 Sept, 2013, 6pm

Finished the first coat of oils on the ten drawings on Wednesday, then had to have a couple of days break, I was fair knackered. Even managed a second coat on one, that’s 11 in four days. Should be all downhill from here, now that the basics are mapped out.

“It's the Environment, Stupid”

Restrained colouration for the moment.

“The Artist's Camp at Bimblebox”

That’s Shayna working centre right. 

“The Point”

Next coats will probably be uniform glazes.

“The Mechanics of Survival”

“The Great Divide”

Decided to change the name on this one. That is the Great Dividing Range in the background.



Clouds need a bit of work.

“Paola's a Bit Long in the Face”

The portraits look a bit scary at the moment, decided to use cold underpainting for the flesh. Reduced the chin a fraction.

“Magellanic Mirage”

“The Camp Workshop”

Structure emerging with the addition of colour.

“Ian Manages Diversity, Fertility, Productivity”

Ian as a zombie. Hopefully it’ll all make sense after the next coat.


  1. Decided to change the name on this one. That is the Great Dividing Range in the background.

    I think you should keep it. It's irony; your stock- in- trade.

  2. This is the best series of paintings I've seen for a long time, really good delicate use of light and shade. Beautiful work.
