Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Klang Association

This is a series of charcoal on panel drawings I did that clang together some thoughts on art and culture, principally the cultural artifacts of science, technology and religion. "Clang Association" is a psychiatric term used to describe a certain type of psychotic speech where unrelated phrases are strung together, their only connection being by rhyme and alliteration. The protagonist in most of my musings is the astronaut, representing humanity cocooned in the safety of science. Your task is to identify the artwork images from the past that I have purloined in most of the works.

"One Small Step for Jasper"

The'Jasper' in the title refers to that legendary American flag painter, Jasper Johns. Gave that one away.


The expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

"The Fable of the Turtle and the Hairy"

The Conquistador in this image is an Australian scientist (who will remain nameless) that discovered a turtle swimming in the sea off West Australia that was only known through fossil evidence. It was killed so that science had a sample of the beast.

"Dancing Lesson"

Shiva tries in vain to teach one of Leonardo's foetuses (foeti?) to dance. Don't know where the old bus comes from, just knew it had to be in there.

"Hung Out to Dry"

A scene of domestic bliss on the moon.

"The Death of Modernism"

An archeological find somewhere unspecified.


Another bit of archeology.

"Towering Babble"

"Searching for Greener Grass"

"Rejected Paradigm"

Damn those pesky Indians!

"A Blow for Chaos"

Had to fit those towers in somewhere.

"Flogging Science"

"The Search for Meaning"

All religions going cheap.


A combination of well-known icons.

"Science + Art = Powerpoint"

King Phillip of Spain is the powerpointer.

"The Romance of Science"

A perversion of a well-known piece of romantic art.

"Stuff on Sticks"

Just a small sampling of some of those weird objects elevated to sainthood that you occasionally come across out west.

"A Perfect Vacuum"

I do so hate an untidy moon.


A science formed from the combined disciplines of evolution and creationism. Why is Jesus holding a broom? Beats me.


Will chimps eventually evolve from men?

The next nine images are drawn from the very first music video, Bob Dylan's 'Subterranian Homesick Blues'. I've called the series 'Subliminal Homespun Blues'. The clip was shot in an alley behind the Savoy Hotel in London by D.A.Pennebaker where Alan Ginsberg and Bob Neuwirth make a cameo in the background. It's the opening scene to the movie "Don't Look Back'. I've left the cards blank - there is no message.

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