Saturday, 10 December 2016

Mary Kathleen

Sunday 11 December 2016, 4.30pm

A few paintings inspired by my visit to the now defunct Mary Kathleen uranium mine, near Mt. Isa. I used a smaller brush than usual and tried to push the anarchy a bit further. Some radioactive decay may be evident.

The mine is just one of the many thousands of unrehabilitated mine sites in Australia that continue to produce and leach toxic chemicals. It was supposedly rehabilitated in 1985, but the locals think otherwise.

The hole –

“MK-Uranium Aquarium”
900x600          11/12/2016

The view from the crater floor –

900x600          11/12/2016

And the ghosts of a pop-up town –

900x600          5/12/2016

By way of information, a bit of signage. From Mary Kathleen –

And meanwhile, in Karumba –