Monday 4th April 2016, 3pm
Easter Sunday saw the launch of the Piano Mill at Wilson’s
Downfall, an unforgettable event climaxing in a 50 minute performance of an
Erik Griswold piece as the sun set. It involved a variety of percussive
instruments and will hopefully be broadcast on Classic FM in the near future.
There were also performances at various stages in the
afternoon, with the stages named after the supplied whiskies. Very civilised.
I drew this during the performance –
“The Mill”
900x600 27/3/2016
I drew the grey box forest early next morning –
600x450 28/3/2016
On a completely different note, painted the gorgeous Brooke
at life drawing last Saturday. An acrylic painting, intended as an
underpainting for oils, but it may remain simply an acrylic.
“The Dark Side”
920x610 2/4/2016
The title came from Sue, who used it in reference to my use
of acrylics.